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After over 35 years of serving Jesus as my Savior, I have come to the realization that I should know Him so much deeper, so much more intimately than I do. I look at my empty hands and say, "What do I have to offer a world who needs to know this loving Savior?" To that end, I have proclaimed this year of 2010 as the year of "Be Still and Know that I am God." I am committed to seeking Him more, studying His word harder and deeper, and becoming more intimate in my relationship with Christ so that I can offer to a hurting community hands that are filled with the goodness and love they so desparately need to receive. So let me ask you today, what's in your hands?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Have You Had An "Aha" Moment Lately?

Have you ever had one of those "Aha!" moments where you suddenly realized, "now I get it"?  That moment for me was a few weeks ago when I went with some friends to stand and pray outside an abortion mill in Dallas.  As I stood there and watched in astonishment as these young women drove through the entrance of that place, it hit me that this wasn't just a storyline for a movie or a topic for a sermon, this was real life.  These were real women, with real babies in their womb, so desparate in their situation that they felt they had no other course but to end the life of that baby and hope they could put this horrible experience behind them and get on with life.  What they didn't realize, and what my friends so urgently and desparately tried to make them understand, was that this was not their only choice and this most certainly would not bring peace and an end to the situation they were in.

Today is Mother's Day.  This day is one of the proudest days of the year for me.  I look at my two beautiful daughters and realize how incredibly blessed I am.  They are my single greatest accomplishment in life.  Two beautiful women who love and respect their father and mother and are passionately in love with their Heavenly Father.  There's nothing more I could want or ask.

I think of my friend who just last week was blessed with her first grandchild.  What joy is in that household on this Mother's Day as they hold this new life that God has so graciously blessed their family with.

Then my heart breaks as I think of the women I saw drive into that same place yesterday, Mother's Day weekend, and make the choice to take the life of their child because they didn't want to become a mother. 

My "aha" moment was the realization that for years, I have been content to do battle on my knees, offering up prayers for people like my friends who have been out on the battlelines for over a decade now reaching out, trying to make a difference.  My "aha" moment was the realization that I could do more.  The realization that I "should" be doing more.

Then I had my second "aha" moment as God showed me that it's not just the abortion of babies that I need to physically do battle for.  Daily, people all around me are making conscious and unconscious decisions to abort their own spiritual life.  They have a Father who wants to give them eternal life, who is so desparate to make them His child, that He gave up the life of His own Son to make a way for that to happen.  Yet they choose to abort that adoption either by arrogance or by ignorance.  He needs more than my prayers on my knees for these people.  He needs me to stand, pray and plead with them to realize what it is they are doing and that their choice most certainly will not bring peace or the end result they are wanting.

May God continue to give me "aha" moments until I have completed the work He has for me to do.  I pray that when the day comes that I stand before Him in heaven, He will look at me and say, "Aha!"

1 comment:

  1. So true! I had the same kind of moment when I went out into the streets to invite little children to come to a Bible club just for them on Saturday mornings. There were houses where they didn't even answer the door. They just called out, "come in". The children didn't ask me where I lived. They asked me where I stayed. The Lord showed me so clearly that not only did they not have a home here, but that they had no concept of a heavenly home. I led a little boy to the Lord at that club. I wonder where he is now. I hope he understands that home is Jesus.
