About Me

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After over 35 years of serving Jesus as my Savior, I have come to the realization that I should know Him so much deeper, so much more intimately than I do. I look at my empty hands and say, "What do I have to offer a world who needs to know this loving Savior?" To that end, I have proclaimed this year of 2010 as the year of "Be Still and Know that I am God." I am committed to seeking Him more, studying His word harder and deeper, and becoming more intimate in my relationship with Christ so that I can offer to a hurting community hands that are filled with the goodness and love they so desparately need to receive. So let me ask you today, what's in your hands?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Lesson in Humility

I pride myself in my knowledge of computers. Although I can't even attempt any in depth techie procedures on them, I have a pretty good working knowledge of how to install software and hardware and how to fix those "not too technical" glitches that inevitably seem to arise from time to time for the more "inexperienced" computer users in my company. Just last week I was laughing about those who seemingly don't even know how to turn a computer on. This morning, while visiting my sister and her family, I arose early and decided to do some web surfing on her son's laptop while I waited for everyone else to wake up. I was humbled when after about two minutes of scrutiny and searching, her husband walked through the room and I had to ask him, "Uh, how do you turn this computer on?"

That's just the way we often are in our Christian walk. We pray, we read the bible, we go to church and before you know it, we start thinking we know it all...we have all the answers. You can be sure as soon as that happens, God will provide an opportunity to teach us that we are still dependent on Him. The great thing in this lesson, though, is that like my sister's husband, he is there to guide us and show us how to "turn the computer on" every time we ask.

Lord, help us to stay dependent on you in everything we do.

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